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Veuillez cocher la case si vous souhaitez vous inscrire. Ces cookies nous permettent d'analyser l'utilisation du site afin que nous puissions mesurer et améliorer les performances de nos sites.
Nous utilisons des cookies pour faire fonctionner notre site et pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur. Vous pouvez en savoir plus et gérer votre consentement à tout moment en visitant notre Politique en matière de cookies ici.
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In order to ensure our websites, mobile sites and mobile applications are easy to use and up-to-date, we use the web analytics service Google Analytics to understand how visitors use our sites. This allows us to see, for example, which content on our website is the most popular and also to ensure that our content is constantly updated and improved. The information that we collect is anonymous and used for statistical purposes only. These cookies are also used to create profiles or personalize content, e.g. advertisement based on your interests.
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Veuillez cocher la case si vous souhaitez vous inscrire. Ces cookies nous permettent d'analyser l'utilisation du site afin que nous puissions mesurer et améliorer les performances de nos sites.
REACh and RoHS
Chemicals and hazardous substances legislation
What is REACh?
Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals legislation.
This legislation controls chemicals and substances. For our business it defines the safe levels of certain substances within the products, packaging and spare parts we place on the market.
What is RoHS?
Restriction of Hazardous Substances legislation.
This legislation restricts hazardous substances within the products we place on the market.
What we do to control substances
We hold declarations from our supply chains to show that every product complies with REACh legislations before products are put on the market.
We hold declarations from our supply chains to show that every component complies with RoHS legislation before products are put on the market.
A product will not be sold until we hold test reports and or declarations that show the parts comply with both legislations.
Tests are done by expert independent laboratories. The laboratories use scientific machines that very accurately check compliance so that when the test shows a PASS result we know we comply with the appropriate legislation.
We have management systems in place to regularly police hazardous materials, these include declarations from our supply chains, factory audits and on-going product surveillance tests.